str. Lev Tolstoi 74, of. 3
Sâmbăta (09.00 - 14.00)
Artificial lighting is designed to compensate daylight after sunset, making human activity more efficient during the 24 hours. But with the development of technologies, light sources are varied and influence both aesthetically and psychologically. Depending[…]
Read MoreDeveloping a company also involves some technical problems that can inevitably occur in working processes, creating inconveniences for employees and leading to money, time and energy losses to be solved. Often, such incidents are being[…]
Read MoreVideo surveillance systems are a truly effective and increasingly practical solution for companies, private homes whose benefits are multiple in many aspects, including because they can be interconnected with other systems such as alarm or[…]
Read MoreThe century of technology has given mankind major opportunities for the development of society and its prospects. Including entrepreneurs have different opportunities to increase their profits, thanks to new technologies. Thus, in order to actively[…]
Read MoreSecolul tehnologiilor a oferit omenirii oportunități majore de dezvoltare a societății și perspectivelor acesteia. Inclusiv antreprenorii au posibilități diverse de a-și mări profiturile, tocmai datorită noilor tehnologii. Astfel, pentru a contribui în mod activ la[…]
Read MoreThe concept of a smart home is becoming reality more and more requested, the advantage of which is related to the rapid development of technology, which contributes to the increase in comfort of housing also[…]
Read MoreDevelopment of technologies in sec. XXI already affects all spheres of human activity, optimizes work processes and results. Population growth around the world increases overall consumption, especially food, so farmers are already forced to use[…]
Read MoreРазработка технологий в XXI веке уже затрагивает все сферы человеческой деятельности, оптимизирует рабочие процессы и результаты. Рост населения во всем мире увеличивает общее потребление, особенно продовольствие, поэтому фермеры уже вынуждены использовать современные технологии, чтобы конкурировать[…]
Read MoreКонцепция умного дома становится реальность все больше и больше просила, преимущество которых связанно с быстрым развитием технологии, что способствует увеличению комфорта жилью также влияет на их развитие. Если вы, как правило, управлять всеми акциями в[…]
Read MoreСистемы видеонаблюдения – это действительно эффективное и все более практичное решение для компаний, частных домов, преимущества которых многочисленны во многих аспектах, в том числе потому, что они могут быть связаны с другими системами, такими как[…]
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